This past Thursday night Jason and I headed to Angel Fire, NM with a couple from our life group, Matt and Aubre. Aubre's family owns a cabin up there, so we decided to go for the weekend and ski! There was originally seven of us, but unfortunately three had to cancel last minute. No worries though, THE FOUR OF US HAD A BLAST!!!
We have gotten to know them fairly well over the last year, but have never had a chance to spend much one on one couple time with them. We bonded:) 20 hours total in the car, all day long for two days on the slopes and ski lifts, and evening time at the cabin inherently causes bonding. It was great. We had such a great time in fellowship with them and enjoying the slopes.
I have always skied in my life, Jason normally boards, Matt only boards, and Aubre does both. Jason and I for the amount of times we get to go are decent, but Matt and Aubre are PROS!! I am talking I watched Aubre jump and get about 5 feet in the air before she vanished over the cliff of a black heading straight for the woods to make up her own trail!! (and no I am not exaggerating) THEY ARE VERY SKILLED AND IT WAS FUN TO WATCH. Jason and I had a great time together as well when they would go do their thing and we would do ours:)! I love watching my baby on a snowboard! SEXY!
I began to learn how to board this weekend. I only boarded Saturday morning, but it was FUN! Being that Aubre had her own snowboard it was a blessing for me, because I was able to try at no cost! I say FUN and I mean it, but that FUN did not come without paying the price of PAIN!! For those of you who have ever boarded you know that catching an edge and slammin' your tailbone onto the snow does not feel delightful. In my case the snow was more like crunchy/icy "snow", it hurt to say the least. Thank goodness it only happened three times where I ate it. Jason says I picked it up fairly quick, but I know that I by no means have it down yet. The help of three experienced boarders was definitely appreciated. I chose to go back to skiing that afternoon in order to be able to keep up a little better with the group our last afternoon on the slopes.
Anyhow, the vacation was SUPER FUN, SUPER RELAXING, AND SUPER NEEDED! Jason and I cherish every opportunity we get to leave town with one another, as well as fellowship and grow deeper in relationship with other believers!!
I think that is all for now. More to come later, but below are pics of the four of us, as well as my snowboarding debut!!