Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lots of happenings....

There has been so much happening since I last blogged that I don't know where to begin.  I suppose sharing all thoughts and events in chronological order would be the easiest so I will attempt to fill you all in that way!

Well my parents came to visit three weekends ago for baby dedication.  Mom and Dad got here Friday and we all just hung out and had a good old time!  Ava loved having YaYa and Pappa around:)  On Saturday night, mom and dad kept Ava so Jason and I could go out on a date-- yippee!  Jason and I had an incredible evening together!  It was much needed-- date nights are so important once children are involved!  We felt like we were in college or engaged again or something- very refreshing!

Then on Sunday we all went to baby dedication at church which was special!  It was nice to have some family here with us to go up to the front and pray with and over us and Ava.  Thanks Mom and Dad!

Then after lunch to Houston we headed, we meaning all of us but Jason of course:(!  In Houston Ava and I had so much quality family and friend time!!  Mainly family with a few dear friends that I consider family anyways!  Instead of trying to describe all of the special time with a ton of words, I will let the pictures do the talking!

Sills gang get together!

However, it is necessary to tell one story to you all about the "fousin" time that Josiah and Ava had when we were staying out there with them!  Before the story though- everytime JO is around Ava he warms up more and more, this time, I think he is finally ok with her being around:)

So... we took Ava's activity gym to their house and Ava plays in it alot!  Josiah kept getting down in her activity gym with her, playing with her, watching her, etc...  Then one time Ava begin getting a little fussy because it was time to go down for a nap.  So I picked her up, when down the hall to the guest bedroom where we were staying but then decided the nursery would be better to rock her.  In the meantime, my mom and Jamie witnessed the following.... Josiah picked up the activity gym by the top (not a little thing) and started sprinting down the hall and into the guest bedroom where Ava and I were staying.  He was looking around trying to find us, because he wanted to give Ava her toy!  He thought her toy would make her feel better.  Absolutely precious!  I mean seriously what a sweet heart that shows he has.  I loved it! He did similar things the whole time we were staying there!

On the flip side Ava watched and studied him whenever he was around!  His activity must of worn her out though because she was napping like a champ those two days:)!  It was such a SPECIAL TIME for the fousins and Jamie and I!  Thank you sipper for housing us and letting us crash, it was wonderful!

Ava admiring Aunt Jamie

And dear friends/family....

Then on Sunday, Ava and I headed back home.  We stopped in Temple to meet up with Jason!  After we stopped and I fed her, we laid her down to play for a bit and when she saw Jason-- she recognized him and lit up with smiles!  

We then went to see Janice's (GJ's) new house!  She got a promotion and moved about 30 miles away from Temple, Praise God for her opportunity through this promotion!

Since we have been home this week, Ava has kinda had a rough time which caused me to have a rough time! I had my first few days of feeling lonely and needing to get out of the house more, find some adult interaction, and make sure that I am taking some time for myself everyday!  Today though was a better day for Ava and myself.  I went and watched the team play in town which was a little weird but wonderful to see them.  Ava did great and has had a good day today!  I feel like I have my little girl back-- she must have been a little sick with a bug we think she might have caught!

Anyhow,  today God spoke to me over and over about all the blessings in my life and I was just moved to tears!  I am so THANKFUL for so many things, but today I am extremely grateful for my parents and the way they raised Jamie and I.  The love they showed us and the community of people through First Colony they surrounded us with who loved on us as well is a blessing beyond measure!  Thanks Mom and Dad!  

Finally, Ava turned 3 months yesterday-- it is nuts! Here is a bullet list of some of  what she is up to...

  • holds her head pretty much on her own
  • turns and looks at any sound, voice, etc...
  • finds Jason and I no matter how far away we are in the house if we are in her line of vision
  • smiling and talking alot
  • holding onto her toys and rattles
  • beginning stages of batting at toys
  • likes to sit up with some help of course and take everything in
  • loves bath time (but beginning to hate lotion time)
  • sleeping at night with first stretch of actual sleep averaging 7-8 hours
  • starting to try to giggle or laugh
  • rolling to her side during play time and when sleeping 
  • rolled from tummy to back on tummy time the other day but was supported under chest with receiving blanket
  • getting chunkier
  • finally likes her bouncer and swing... hooray!!  

She is just getting so much more personality which is hard to describe through words!  The interaction and conversations we have are so much fun!  She melts my heart regularly and it is hard to believe that everyday Jason and I love her more and more when we thought we already loved her more than ever possible!  Being a parent is such a hard thing but SUCH A COOL THING as well!


If you are still reading this- bless you! 
 The End!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sista time...

So.. I am staying at my sisters house for a couple of nights! It is wonderful:) I will have to post some cousin stories of Jo-man and Ava later. For now just wanted to share how neat it is we are together with our kids- when did we get to this stage? Crazy! Jamie just bathed Josiah and is putting him down for night and I am feeding Ava so I can bathe and put her down. Then we will do the dishes from dinner and with what energy we have left enjoy talking, catching up, and possibly bake some dairy and soy free choc chip cookies!! Life with kids is a zoo at times but what a JOY and delight:)

THANK YOU Lord for family!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Thoughts...

  • I love my family of three
  • I love the rest of my family and CAN'T WAIT too see them next week in H-town!
  • The weather has been so great here in Abilene now for Avaton and I to go on walks and runs around campus!  
  • Jason, Ava, and I got to spend some great QT together yesterday afternoon, which was wonderful-- doesn't happen enough- I don't think there is ever enough of that though.
  • Ava is doing better the past week, she is such a doll!
  • I love that even in long periods of waiting on the Lord we can wait with eager expectation knowing He always is FAITHFUL! 
  • I have found a delicious coconut milk ice cream-- it helps satisfy my cravings from all the things I can't have:).
  • I hear our camping crew had a great trip this year!  We were sorry we missed out, but so GLAD they had a blast!
  • I got to go on a walk this morning around campus with Ava and Mary Beth and Ben Davis:).  So good to see you MB, love ya!
  • 46 DAYS UNTIL OUR SUMMER VACATION IN GALVESTON WITH Yaya, Papa Bear, Jamie, Jay, and Josiah!  Yipee:)
Now more pics of baby girl...

Easter Morning! She started to sneeze just as camera was about to flash:)

Play time on floor
Easter morning- sleeping and snuggling with bunny

Same deal, different angle:)
Last one-- haha!
Hanging out with mom after eating:) Love the belly wrinkles.

Floor time with daddy, I was trying to roll over!

Angel face

Pretty Ava (about to go see Ben for our walk;)-- practicing my flirty face!)

The End!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Juicy Coture onsie and Mary Jane socks that were given to us:) haha!
Headed to my friend Darius's wedding, what a cute dress she has on- Thanks YaYa!
Jason taking care of meltdown moment before ceremony (which ended up lasting through the entire ceremony)- they sat in the truck:(
Calmed down by reception and we enjoyed about 1.5 hours before we had to head out
Flirting with the camera
Ava and I up at school watching one of the team's practices

So...Ava is smiling all the time now!  My camera is just to gosh darn slow to capture the moment ever and my blackberry takes horrible pictures.  Hopefully one day soon I will catch one!  Everyone needs to see because it is so darn adorable, it just makes me laugh.  I will try to upload a video soon where all can hear her talk and see her smile! 

Have a BLESSED Easter weekend!  Thank You Lord for raising our Savior!