Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reflux & Teething Equals No Sleep....


I am having one of those mornings where I am frustrated at myself as a mom!  Sometimes I don't think through things enough or I just assume it won't be that bad.  This time though Ava is suffering for it! 

I had finally thought that we could reduce her Prevacid to once a day and began to try it.  However, during the process we ran out of her prescription and I began giving her OTC instead to see if it would work.  Needless to say none of the above turned out to be wise decisions.  Ava has not been napping well or sleeping well at night!  We have been up for atleast 2 solid hours majority of the nights for a week now!  And my sweet angel who normally  loves to sleep and takes two naps a day normally at least 1.5 hours is barely taking 45 minute naps with an occasional longer one!

On top of her reflux really bothering her- she is cutting six teeth and they are really starting to come through!  I really couldn't tell you though how much that is actually bothering her or if it has just been the change in her medicine this whole time! 

I could just kick myself for this but to CVS Pharmacy we go in a few minutes to get her back on her prescription Prevacid! 

This Lesson LEARNED! 


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween and Pumpkin Patch!

We had a great Halloween! Ava and I went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday with friends to take pictures- Ava LOVED the pumpkin patch! She enjoyed beating on the pumpkins like drums and looking at the scarecrows that were all around, but most of all she enjoyed tyring to eat all the hay/grass/dirt combo that she sat on:)!! She is too funny!!

Sunday we dressed Ava up in her AWESOME Halloween pumpkin(aka-fall beauty) costume that many of you will recognize. Shelley Gowens made it for Kate a few years back! Thanks Shel for letting us borrow it- Ava looked like a Fall Princess if I do say so myself! Ava did pretty well being dressed up in all that fuss:) We made it long enough to take pictures at home, get to a fall festival at a church in town, and visit with friends for about 45 minutes before we changed her out of it! Her playmate most often in Abilene was dressed up in a handmade rose bush costume- they were very interested in one another's costumes! Overall FUN -I love playing dress up:)!!

Also, my nephew Josiah was Larry the Cucumber from Veggie Tales and he looked adorable in the pics I saw! Hopefully next year Ava and Josiah will be doing Halloween together!

Eating the hay- lol!

I am just kicking myself for not having her in her costume at the pumpkin patch!  Would have been great!