This past weekend was so FUN and special:)! Mom and Dad came into town very late Thursday night or you could just say wee hours of Friday morning to spend the weekend!
Friday we spent the day just hanging out at the house in our PJ's and enjoying time with Miss Aves. She LOVED having YaYa and Pappa here! She couldn't get enough of their attention- precious. Then Friday night we had one of my former players come over and watch Ava after she had gone to bed so we could go out as adults- babe free! It was the first time since Ava has been born that we have done that where all four of us were together. It was FANTABULOUS! Even better- we were celebrating mine and Dad's birthdays. Mine was Thursday and his Friday, so we went to Belle's Chicken Dinner House. Not a heart healthy meal- but delicious fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, gravy, and rolls! Oh yeah- Go Big or Go Home- haha!! Anyhow we had a fun dinner out!
Saturday- we all hung out together for parts of the day (Jason was working) and Mom and I left Pappa Bear in charge of Ava Reese for several hours while we ran errands, did a little shopping, and went to the grocery store! Pappa wears Ava out- they always play so hard!
Finally it was Sunday and time for our Christmas celebration!! It was Ava's first Christmas celebration and she was precious through it all! She only opened gifts from YaYa and Pappa since we will be doing Christmas from us and GJ on Christmas Day at her house! Ava tore her wrapping paper and smiled big every time she realized that there was actually a toy beyond the fun crinklyy paper! She got a baby doll, books, a shape sorter, a puzzle,a special scripture ornament for the tree, and a riding-walking-scooter zebra toy! That morning she played with all of them quite a bit and has ever since! However, I will have to say that the Zebra walking toy was the hit and she was ALL over the place with her new assistance to mobility! Thanks YaYa and Pappa for my Christmas gifts, coming all the way to see me in Abilene, and loving on me all weekend! It was GREAT!
I will have to say the first 24-36 hours after they had left she was a tid bit fussy wondering where all the attention and her playmates had gone:(!
Look at that little smirk as she eyes her presents
Giving baby kisses
Tearing Paper!
Before our outing Friday night
Great Grandma came for a short visit! So full of life at 92! (picked all 25 lbs of Ava up from floor while sitting on couch!)
In addition to Christmas- tomorrow is Ava's 11 month Birthday!
Since my last update on Ava's tricks if you will, she is now....
Cruising super fast and all over the house at a whole new level!
She has started standing all by herself for up to a minute or so at a time throughout the day.
She has begun semi-leaping and taking super fast steps between objects when she is not holding on to anything for balance.
Finally rolling around often!
Pulling herself up on anything.
Still refusing to crawl. Instead she lunges forward enough to get her feet planted on the ground and pushes up into a bear crawl. From there she pushes back and then sits down- she is so silly!
She is "sharing" everything with those around from toys to paci to bottle to bunny, etc...
She has begun teasing us as if she is going to share. The minute we reach for the object she smiles, turns her head, and pulls the object away from us.
These days when I ask for a kiss I normally no longer get an open mouth but a shy smile preceding a batting of the eyelashes and her sticking her cheek out for me to kiss! - Seriously? ADORABLE!
Cruising her way to her high chair and reaching up when she is hungry.
Saying- Mama, DaDa, BaBa(bottle), YaYa, PaPa, hot.
Attempting to say - Duh-Duh (duck), cold, and boom.
Signing more or all done at the end of meals to let us know which it is!
I am sure there is more but that is good for now! You brighten our lives Ava Reese! We love you so much- you are just PERFECT! Happy Birthday- can't believe you are almost one!
This would be early morning random bundle for warmth on patio