Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So.. It has been a month...

Well given I have not posted in a month, you probably have guessed that life is BUSY!! There is so much to write about, I feel slightly overwhelmed.

We just finished two-a-days and are headed to our first tournament this weekend. We have faced a lot of adversity as a team up to this point this season, but the girls have responded well. God has granted them with a peace and go get 'em attitude despite it all. They are a unique group, and I covet any and all prayers you all will lift up for our season, injuries, and health (spiritual and physical) of our players.

Summer Olympics Rocked!! Jason and I watched all that we could when we got home late from work every night, but what we say was captivating. It never ceases to amaze me the talent, the perseverance, determination, and dedication any Olympic athlete must put forth to even be where they are. I agree with you Rox that Phelps is a freak of nature, but most of them are! He is just the King Freak of them all:)

Jamie's due date is getting so close!! Josiah will be here before we know it. We are all so excited and she is the cutest prego ever! Yeah for the miracle of babies! Praise God.

Jason and I are doing well. Nothing new to report, but we are trying to really get disciplined in workouts again if you want to lift that up for us!! It is a crazy time of year for me with work and grad school. I know many people do it, and I will be fine, but our travel schedule makes it rough with consistent workouts and getting it all done!

I miss my family. I do not like not being near my sis during this time. It is just hard. Also, I miss my mom! My travel schedule does not give her a great weekend to come visit me before it is close for Josiah to enter the world. It might be awhile:(!! It think mom and dad might come visit the team and I in San Antonio in a few weekends though!!!

That is all for now!


The Doty's Dish said...

Hey good luck this weekend! Y'all will do great.

Wendi said...

Long time, no blog! Good luck with your season. Hope to see you sometime in the near future! :) Love you!