Ava is 9 months old! I can not believe it! Time is flying by! I love each new stage and they all get better, yet it is so sad to see the true baby stages fading out!
We are praising the Lord for a healthy angel girl! Everything looked good at her check up. She is cutting two if not four teeth currently. I have a feeling we are going to go from her two teeth she currently has to a mouth full in a short period of time!
Height- 28.5 inches= 75%
Weight- 22 lbs 10 oz = 95%
Baby girl you currently are....
Saying "MaMa" constantly and "Dada" occasionally
Have said "YaYa" and "PaPa"
Giving High Fives
Giving Kisses and cuddles
Waving Bye-Bye occasionally
Holding your own bottle and sippy cup
Using your pincer grasp to feed yourself everything- including any piece of fuzz you see laying around-lol:)
You love lunch meat turkey, tomatoes, peas, beans, any fruit chunks, and oatmeal:) You also will take breaks while eating your meals and pick up your sippy, get a drink, and then put it back down to resume your chow-down sessions! ADORABLE!
Pulling up to hard surfaces or holding on to our hands!
Walking with assistance
Beginning to cruise just a little bit- a few steps here and there
Still not crawling, but becoming more mobile and using people as jungle gyms!
Reaching for anyone or anything you want with force and determination!
Reach for one of my hands and then the other- so that you can stand up- which is your favorite activity.
Laughing at your videos, for attention, etc.
Babbling non-stop
Kissing baby dolls
Getting more hair finallly!
Love watching older kids
Taking baths in the big bath tub
Screaming short (and long sometimes) "Frustration screams" because you want to be mobile but haven't figure it out yet.
You are determined, demonstrative, and passionate! We love you and you are delightful!
Sweet Kisses with playmate Harper!
Love those eyes!
Josiah's Birthday- He is so LITTLE BOY GROWN UP LIKE!
Other Happenings
We just went on a long trip where we started in the Woodlands visiting Jamie, Jay, and Jo-man! We got to celebrate Josiah turning 2 years old! He is the most joyful little guy ever! His party was basketball theme and he shot baskets for hours on end! Literally he couldn't stop- so precious! Ava loved watching him. She literally is always happy when she has Jo-man around! They are going to have so much fun together soon! They also played with Josiah's new train tracks together:)
Jamie and I stayed up one night after the kiddos went down and watched a dance movie! It was AWESOME! We would have watched another but it wasn't out for rent yet- boo! I miss having more sister time without kiddos! Kiddos are wonderful but they are still at the age where they need us and we get so distracted:).
Then we headed to Sugar Land where we had a very low key week- not even leaving the house much. I got a really bad sinus infection. So Mom pampered me and took care of Ava while I worked on getting well! It was special time to be there but not be so busy with plans 24-7:)! We did do a little shopping for Ava though and she has some really cute clothes now! Mom bought her a few things and the most adorable winter coat ever! Thanks Mom!
Then Ava and I headed to Gatesville to meet up with Jason at GJ's! Jason's 10 year HS reunion was this past weekend so we went to that! We really had a good time! I enjoyed getting to meet some of his friends and classmates and hear stories, etc... Jason was a very highly respected athlete at Temple High and I heard about it alot- I was PROUD!
We also visited with Jason's grandma, Ava's great grandma for a little bit and got to see Launa and Alex! Alex and Ava played together and had a FUN TIME:)!
Now we are just back home in A-town- living life- hanging out with friends- and enjoying our family time!
Two Random Thoughts...
1. If you haven't read Josh Hamilton's book, Beyond Belief, I highly recommend it! I read it awhile back and then the other night on ESPN they had Josh Hamilton Homecoming special where they discussed alot of his story once again! He continues to give credit to the Lord, be real with the fact that he is an addict, etc. I know alot of people have differing opinions, but I am a FAN and believe He WITHOUT FAIL GIVES GOD THE GLORY!
2. This whole deal about the article in the Marie Claire magazine discussing the author's disgust with watching overweight people do anything is beyond heartbreaking. Heartbreaking for her that she feels that way, heartbreaking for overweight people who have to ever hear something like that, and infuriating because it is a portrayal of the emphasis our society puts on looks! I will leave my soap box with this- we are all children of God and loved by Him regardless of our weight! We all struggle with something!
at Picnic for Jason's Reunion
Couldn't get pics to place where I wanted them so they are all over!
Ava is such a happy beautiful little child!! cant wait to get my hands on her!!
i absolutely love josh and his story and the way God is working in Him and using him to bring Himself SO much glory. Seriously. Awesome. He is a BLINDING light if you ask me :)
I have no idea what you're talking about the with the marie claire thing...but when i hear people making comments like that it makes me want to cry :( SERIOUSLY makes me ANGRY that Satan can fool so many ppl... yuck.
glad you got such great sister time! sounds awesome :)
love you.
She has made so many changes!! Those cheekers are just so perfect for squeezes and kisses. Love to see all the pictures. She looks so "pleased with herself" standing up. I got to see pix of her giving YaYa some kisses, oh such a sweet spirit she has.
Aw...reading this post made me miss you guys so much! =( She is so very precious and beautiful! Loved hearing all about her new things...miss miss miss all 3 of you!
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