Friday, January 14, 2011

I think I am a big girl now....

Yesterday we took our first trip to the indoor mall playground!!  Since Ava has not been mobile on her until now we have not had the opportunity to do that.  Now that she is walking we decided to give it a go!  OH BOY - did we have fun or what?  

Ava has absolutely no fear and was just walking right up in the middle of all the older kids and it was crowded!  She just kept walking around to all the different areas, parents, other people's strollers, other kids, etc..  She has no concept of being leary of strangers yet- lol!  She had a blast. 

We also experienced the bully type kiddos!  One little boy took his palm on her forehead and just shoved her head backwards which of course knocked her over.  Then another little boy wanted where she was and just completely body bumped her right out of his way.  It was hilarious because both times I am dying inside at these kids treating my baby that way- how dare they- right? LOL.  Ava on the other hand doesn't cry, get upset, or even look for my help to defend her.  She just looks at both of those boys with this face that could have only meant one of two things-
1. And exactly who do you think you are?  (this response cracks me up- I love it; hoping she will be resilient and hold her own)
2. She was studying the situation trying to understand what just happened, because all she was doing was trying to play and these people aren't playing very nice!  (this breaks me heart:( tear) 

Anyhow, all in all a GREAT experience for Miss Aves, especially considering the bullying didn't seem to bother  her a bit!  SHE FELT SO BIG AND JUST LAUGHED THE ENTIRE TIME!!

Playground pics!

A few more random pics from lately.......

One last thing....

I came home this morning from workout to this- WONDERFUL!

I am off for a weekend with friends and playing volleyball in Dallas!  Can't wait! 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe she has changed so much since Christmas!! She is such a big girl now and has so much more hair. I love the pic of her reading with her daddy, so precious. Five more days can't wait. Love, Yaya