Jason and I left to spend Christmas with his family on Christmas Eve. We had a great time that night and part of Christmas day, until Jason and I got into seperate cars. He headed home to Abilene in order to be at work the next morning, and I headed home to Houston to see family and friends. Sad story I know, tear!
Jason and one of the girls, sweet and honry Kennedy.

Launa and I, with number three on the way, Yipee! A baby boy.

Janice and I on Christmas Eve!

Jason and I on Christmas Day!

We had fun with his family and the kids. We don't get to spend nearly enough time with either of our families.
Jason's time over the last couple weeks was kindof mundane and there is not much to tell. He lived kinda like a bachelor, eating what he could find or picking up fast food, working, sleeping, and starting over again the same way everyday. He hung out with some friends a couple of times, but he got pretty sick. So the down time was nice I know but it surely would have been better with me here to take care of him, haha!
However we met back in Temple for New Year's Eve and Day! We had a good time there. He then came to Houston for Bethany and Cody's wedding, which was spectacular!
My time with Mom, Dad, Jamie, Jay, and Josiah was so nice! Mom and I shopped, spent time with Jamie and Josiah, and took it easy, one day that is:)! We had a great time together. I got to see Courtney, which was awesome! I miss my bestie incredibly mucho much! Josiah is a doll and it was so great to see him again.
Mom,Jamie, and I, I love you guys!

Me and my bestie!

Me and the precious boy!

He loves his reading time and he can already follow the pages!

Josiah with Papa Bear, look at that kissable face:)

Then Betho's wedding weekend was upon us! We had a bachelorette night Thursday where we went to dinner and then a kareoke bar. It was a blast and we all dressed up in costume attire, it was silly and fun! The rehearsal dinner was great. So many people had such genuine and sincere words they spoke over Betho and Code-Code. Praise God for another kindgom union!!
The wedding was sweet and the reception rocked the house, of course!!!
Bride and Twin Sis at Bachelorette Party

A few of the costumes at the bachelorette party:)

Jason and I caught in a silly moment at rehearsal!

Me and the bride at rehearsal!

Betho and Code-Code enjoying their party, Celebrate good times, Come-on!

Cute and funny pic of Bethany and Cody, there is two of her, haha!!!!

Jamie and I before the ceremony!

Jason and I at the reception!

Now this weekend Kayla and Lance, along with Bethany and Cody will be Jason and I's house guests! It will be a good time and I am excited to hear all about their honeymoon:)
Finally, while I was out of town, two of my dear friends here in Abilene had their little baby girls on the same day, within 10 minutes of eachother, both very tiny. It was so hard for me to not be here with them, but they had plenty of family and love surrounding them.
Welcome to the world Haddie Grace Mock and Kendall Shay Ratliff. I love you both very much and you are precious!
Well that is it for now!
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