Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fun Weekend- coming right up:)!

So this weekend is going to be so FUN AND EXCITING because....

1. YaYa and Papa are coming to visit!!  We are so ready for them to get here!! 

2. ACU Volleyball Alumni Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 We are having the first annual ACU Alumni weekend.  Alot of old teammates and players are coming in town!  We are going to meet for a social event on Friday night for a little while to reconnect.  On Saturday, we will watch the current ACU team play in a tournament here on campus and then....... we are all going to play eachother starting at 2:00!  After we play alumni vs. alumni for a while we are going to have alumni vs. current ACU team!  Oh boy- going to be entertaining!   I am going to get to play with old teammates I haven't played with since our college days but also get to play with some of my players that I have close relationships with!  I am so excited that mom and dad are going to be here to watch and enjoy the weekend with me (Jason has to work :( , and I it is cool to think that Ava will get to watch her mommy play volleyball:)!! 

Today is going to be a good day BECAUSE......

They just decided to start letting Jason leave at noon on Tuesdays!!!!!!! This is such a huge blessing for us as a family for more family time!   YAY- THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS!

Well I got to go get baby girl- have a good one!

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