Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cliff Note Version of our life......

I clearly have not been good about updating my blog recently or for awhile now!  I am not sure that bothers me all that much based on what is filling my time instead of blogging; however, I do have news and many thoughts to share.  Maybe soon I will become a more frequent blogger then again, maybe not! 

Anyhow,  life is BUSY- but whose isn't? 

Our sweet Little Lucy is finally settling into life outside the womb and doing much better!  Her reflex is calming down  and she is a much happier baby now that she is on formula.  Emotional to stop nursing?  Of course!  Best for all of us, yes! 

We are UNDER CONTRACT on our first home!  Yippee!!  Incredible story, God practically placed it in our laps!  His timing and provision are perfect!  My parents have SO GRACIOUSLY allowed us to live with them the last 6 months.  We have been BLESSED by them in countless ways!  However, we are so excited for our own home as I am sure my parents are- ha!!  Closing is set for the 18th, THANK YOU to all of you who have been covering our house search in prayer. 

Ava is doing great!  She has SO much personality!  We love her.  She carries on complete conversations with us all the time and never ceases to surprise us with what she comes up with!  The other day she asked me for her other options when I asked her to obey and pick up her toys!  Really- you are only 27 months!!  Anyhow, she loves Lucy and has done amazingly well with adjustment.  She is very spirited and strong willed and we continually are asking God to guide us in how to train her in His ways! 

I am in a bible class at my church called Apples of Gold.  It is geared for women who are homemakers to teach us how to love our husbands and children as scripture teaches and how to conduct ourselves as women who Glorify God!  It is awesome!!  God has taught me so much!  I have a long list of topics I need to spend time meditating and praying on in the years to come!  I have been immensely blessed by the women who are leading this class! 

God is teaching me so much....I could go on and on!!  The  main thing that has been on my mind is that this world is not our home.  We are called to be set apart.  I am finding myself desperately searching for what it looks like to be set apart, to train my own mind, and to set up a fun, God loving environment for my children.  My cousin wrote a great blog recently discussing some of this!  Anyhow.....

Last thought- we are loving the relationships we are forming here and we are really missing our friends from A-town!! 

Have a FAB weekend!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our Little Angel Lucy Claire

Our sweet new addition is over a week old now and we can't imagine life without her!  We love having her sweet little newborn self around. 

Quick birth story...
We arrived at the hospital Tuesday the 28th at 5:00am.  By 6:00 the induction was underway.  The morning was relaxing, fun, and laid back.  Jason, mom, dad, Jamie and I just hung out.  I had an epidural by the way- which is why I can say it was relaxing.  From 11:45-12:59 I progressed from a 5 to complete and she was here!  Crazy quick and simple:)!  I loved it!  During Ava's delivery I was so drugged up on a small amount of pain meds that I literally don't remember much, wasn't with it enough to really engage in the pushing process, etc... This time around, I remember everything and it was a great experience!!  She was born at 12:59, 8 lbs 4 oz, and 20.5 inches long. 

Ava LOVES her big sister!  She is always kissing her, wanting to see her, help get her blankets, pacis, etc..  They are going to be great together!  I know it is still early in the transition but so far I am thankful for the way she has handled the transition! 

Lucy girl had eventful first few days of life, including tests being run at Texas Children's when she was three days old.  Long story, but they were concerned of a possibly obstruction in her GI tract somewhere!  Lots of prayers were sent up and PRAISE GOD that all her anatomy was normal.  They did find that she has definite reflux issues as she is trying to swallow, it is shooting back up.  She had been doing relatively well with the discomfort although we could always hear it.  However, the last few days she has been progressively more uncomfortable:(.  I have cut all dairy and soy from my diet again since her 3 day visit to doc and TCH.  Prayers for her comfort and our search to find what best helps her.  Thanks. 

Anyhow, SHE IS PRECIOUS!  She has a head full of dark hair which is different for us and fun!!  She definitely resembles Ava and they look like siblings, but she has her own look. 

I am trying to hurry through this post while both girls are sleeping and I actually have the energy, so I will leave you with pics now!  I have more pics to come from mom's camera and the last few days, but here are the initial few days!

Giving little sister her present

Opening little sister's gift to her

Sweet Sisters!

First bath...

by the end she found it soothing!

Big Sister taking a moment to still be the baby:)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our BABY GIRL IS 2!!!!

This post is slightly belated but regardless our little baby girl turned two on Monday the 23rd!  It is absolutely mind-blowing how fast these past two years have gone!  Seriously, where did the time go? 

I am going to document here everything she is doing, saying, liking, etc.. for my personal records.  I would love for you to share in reading it but understand not everyone is interested in all the tiny details!

Ava you are an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT! 
You fill mine and daddy's hearts to overflowing on a daily basis!  You have been God's perfect and precious gift to us!  Each stage you reach brings new joys and challenges.  We love seeing your personality develop and pray God guides us in training you up to have a heart that knows and chases after Him! 

Your vocabulary my darling is crazy.  You are a very verbal for your age and talk in complete sentences a lot of the time!  It is funny to sit down and have conversations with my two year old, but I love it! 

A few of the phrases you say often....

"I want to play together with _________  mommy or whomever."
"I don't like it"
"Oatmeal Papa"
"Come here guys" or "Come here daddy"
"Where did ____ go? ... Oh, there it is."
"I want to drive Ava's car"
"I want Hobby Lobby"
"I want my paci back"
"Sit down right here"
"I want to cook cookies in the microwave"
"I want to see it or him"
"I want to go potty"
"It's Ava's turn now"
"I washed my hands real good"

Now notice many of your common phrases start with I want... surprise, surprise:)!  Those are just the tip of the iceberg. 

I really want to document all the words you say but feel it would be impossible to type the list.  There are not many everyday items or words I can think of that you don't say or at least repeat clearly.  

You are starting to grasps concepts of his/her or boy/girl, there/here, this/that, "Yaya is coming too", and are becoming aware of the concept of time.  You also are starting to recognize and talk about emotions.  You sing your A,B,C's and count to ten!

We love your voice and enthusiasm behind your singing and dancing! You also are starting to carry the tune on pitch sometimes- precious!  A few of your favorite songs  and ones you know all the words to are..

Joy to the World
Away in a Manger
Jesus Loves Me
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Itsty Bitsy Spider
Peace, Peace
Knock, Knock, Knock
I'm in the Lord's Army
If You're Happy and You Know It

Things you enjoy doing...

Your imagination and pretend play has just recently begun to flourish!  You love playing with your kitchen, tea pots, dishes, etc...  You will bake something and say you are saving it for tomorrow- haha!  Love it! 

You love baby dolls!  You have many, they all have names, and you are very specific about which ones you want to nap or go night night with you on different days.  You love to rock them, feed them, change their diapers, put them to sleep, etc...  We are praying that all translates very well here in about a month when baby Lucy arrives!! 

You are finally very active with large motor skills.  Running, climbing, using your knees, jumping,dancing (constantly- we love music) starting to ride your tricycle, etc... 

You love to play chase!!! You love to laugh! 

You are super SOCIAL!! You love people, other kids, everybody!  You remember every one's names (family and friends) and ask about them periodically or constantly, depending!

You still really enjoy reading and there has been more time lately where you have been good about independent reading or play- Thank You Lord!! A true blessing!!

Cute things you do.....

When we ask you a question you sit and think about it while moving your eyes up and to the side and saying "ummm...........(long pause)- then your answer"!  ---  Your eyes do a lot of your talking in addition to your words! 

Anytime we say we don't think we can find something, do something, etc... you ask us to please try or inform us that you are going try while shaking your head up and down.

You ask any cashier at any store for a sticker and if they tell you they don't have any you say "I want to look!"

You like to decide how you wear your hair, pick out your own bow, pick out your own shoes, and are starting to have opinions about what you wear.  You also don't like to leave the house without your own purse or backpack!  SUCH A GIRL!!

You ask to see Lucy aka my tummy often throughout the day.  You bring her toys, kiss her, sing to her, like to feel her kick, try to feed her bites of your food, etc..  You are so sweet about her!  At night when I am putting you to bed the last thing you do every night is "cuddle Lucy"!  You lift up my shirt kiss her, then cover her up and lay your head down on my tummy while we rock!  Heart melting and really sweet!  We pray those feelings of love and affection remain when the true understanding of Lucy hits!

Physical stats....

You are 36" tall- 95%
You are 32 lbs 10 oz- 95%
Your head is 19.5 inches- 95%
(all of your stats fall in the 50% for 3 year olds- hehe)

You are cutting your bottom right 2nd year molar.
You finally have enough hair to start playing around with pigtails, pony tails, etc... 
We love it curly but smoothed into pigtails is pretty precious! 
You are wearing majority 3T clothes and a size 7-8 shoe depending! 


We are also beginning to have some behavioral issues, if you will,  that come with the territory of  your age combined with your temperament and persistence!  We are praying for guidance and trying to parent with patience and grace while being consistent and setting expectations. 

We pray that you quickly decide that emphatic and defiant No's aren't a necessary part of your vocabulary, along with the phrase "I don't want to!".  We also pray the experimenting with hitting and saying words you know you shouldn't for attention are short lived!  - oh the joys- lol!

We are so incredibly thankful for you and the opportunity to raise you!  You make us smile so much and we love being your mommy and daddy!!  Our last two years have been our BEST BECAUSE OF YOU!  We have loved all of our time with just you and now are looking forward to adding sweet Lucy to the mix. 

Happy 2 Year Birthday Squeaker!!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

A few pics of events lately...

Our little Bumblebee at Halloween!

Jamie and I took Mom out to Max's Wine Dive for brunch and then to a movie for her birthday!  A great and fun kiddo free day!

Jason and I before his work Christmas party- good to start meeting the people he is now working with

Ava playing

We met GJ half way for a Christmas gift exchange, meal, and playtime!  We had a fun time!

Ava LOVES her GJ and she is loving on her in this pic:)- sweet!

Ava and I before a Christmas PJ party with mommies and other kiddos- she is a poser for the camera.  As you can see she loves to say cheese and ham it up!

The best shot of all the kids that night- thanks Heidi!

Family Christmas pic- love her sweet expression

Cousins reading Twas the Night before Christmas- (Pop Up) on Christmas Eve

Lucy and Sophie's Stockings

Jo's Christmas

Ava's Christmas

Just because pic- lol

That is a very brief run down of some fun events lately.  Hopefully one day I will really start blogging again more frequently and thoroughly.  In the meantime I will do my best.  Our family is doing good. 

Ava is 2 years old tomorrow!- Insane!
Lucy will be here in 6 weeks or less!
Still house hunting!
Thankful for my precious parents and their generosity to let Jason, I, and Ava invade their home- soon to possibly be the four of us!
Enjoying building relationships and reconnecting with lifelong friends here in Houston!
LOVE having Jason around more with his improved work hours!
Jason is enjoying his job!
Ava is loving have lots of kiddos around all the time!
We all are loving seeing so much family all the time!