Wednesday, June 23, 2010

5 Months

Our precious little angel is five months old today!  It is hard to believe.  Everyday we spend with her brings us more and more joy!  We are cherishing every little detail of her little personality from day to day! 

Since she has started formula exclusively she is like an entirely different baby!  She is so easy and EXTREMELY happy!!  She also is getting rahter chunky, lol:)! 

Height- 25 3/4 in
Weight- ?? I am assuming about 16.5-17.5 lbs.  I am gonna weigh her soon and will post it then. 

A few things she is up to these days....

  • Squealing  in delight in this adorably cute high pitch tone pretty constantly
  • Sitting up and playing in bumbo for extended periods of time
  • Playing in exesaucer, reaching for toys, turning occassionally, etc...
  • Sitting on her own for five seconds or so at a time
  • Rolling from tummy to back (when she feels like it)
  • Constantly playing with her feet
  • Holding her bottle some
  • Sucking her thumb
  • Laughing/ cackling--- makes us melt
  • She also talks non-stop, literally whithout even many little breaks for sometimes up to about 45 minutes.  I guess baby girl just has a lot to say!
  • Trying to blow raspberries, pretty darn cute!  She puts her top lip over her bottom lip and tries to blow air that results in lots of spit bubbles. 
  • She is also quite the drooler.
  • Loves going on walks outside-- which can always make her calm
  • Loves bath time!!!!!!!!!
  • Sleeps from about 6:30 -7:30pm to 7:00am with either one or two feedings in the middle of night
  • Normally takes two- two hour naps a day, except on Jason's days off.  They are always shorter then because she wants to hang out with daddy. 
You are just getting so big and growing so fast baby girl!  We love you more than words could ever express!! You light up our lives!

Here are some recent pics of Miss Ava the last two weeks!  Also, I don't have the video icon near my image icon on my tool bar at the top.  So, I do not have a way of uploading videos which I would like to do.  Any ideas from any blogging peeps as to why my video icon doesn't exist? Help a girl out!

One of the ics capturing Josiah's precious and sweet demeanor towards his fousin Ava

And the following pictures were taken today on Miss Ava's 5 month birthday!
(I realize there is no need for three poses from the same outfit that occurred in like one minute, but I am a new obsessed mom who thinks everyone must see all her different looks!)

Check out those feet

Can't get enough of these cheeks! 

That's all for now folks!


Jamie said...

Ava is SO sweet! I love all the pics (that's my favorite part of blogs anyways!)

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big! I love her little outfits super cute! glad the formula helped! hope we get to see y'all soon


Jamie said...

she is so precious! i miss her...can't wait to see my little Ava Reese again!