Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Thoughts....

So, I wanted to get on this morning to post a few things on my mind....

1.  I am SO EXCITED to get to Houston for Christmas to spend time with my family!! 

2.  Ava Reese Campbell is only five weeks away, crazy!

3.  The nursery is finally starting to come along.  We have now painted the walls, put the crib together, put up new blinds, and the rocker from my parents has come in!  It is going to look so good.  Since we got the crib up it has been crazy how real it is becoming that we are about to have a little bit in that room we have walked by for so long with nothing in it:)

4.  Jason and I are really trying to soak up all the time we have right now just the two of us before our family dynamic changes!  We know it is only going to change for the better but still want to cherish all the quality time we can get right now.  We are having such sweet and neat time enjoying the prep for our sweet baby girl.

5.  God is GOOD!  Everyday and each year He continually reveals Himself, His Glory, His Provision, and His Absolute Soveriegnty more and more.  I love that as we age we realize the importance more and more of utter dependence on His grace. 

Well I suppose that is all for now.  I am off to ENJOY this wonderful Saturday!

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