Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sharing Our White Christmas....

Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas to everyone!  I pray God's richest blessings over you over the next several days as we spend time with family and loved ones and celebrate the birth of our Savior! 

Jason and I slept all snug, warm, and cozy in our bed last night and then woke up to this......

We don't have the best view to show you all from our duplex, but the first picture most closely depicts the view! 

It is 30 degrees here with light snow and heavy winds (25-40mph).  The wind chill is 18 degrees and we are expected to get 1-2 inches of snow today.  For all those staying in Abilene today, they will get to enjoy a very COLD and white Christmas Eve at least. 

I felt it was only appropriate to share the pics with all of you who will not be so lucky to have a white christmas this year!  I will not be either once we leave Abilene today:), but what a SIGHT and way to get the holiday started!

We were blessed by the beauty this morning, blared Christmas music, and packed the car!  We are so excited to get to Houston to see my family! 

May you be blessed with fullness and joy! 

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